Words We Don’t Need to Use, Part 2

Last week, we looked at words that seemed fancy and were simply too much.

Today, we’re looking at two perfectly good words and one perfectly bad expression that should be dropped from our communication. First, the words….


We all know the meaning of the word. But is it really necessary? For example, I often read something like this in one of my student’s essays: “The director uses the color red in this way through the entire film.” If the student has been speaking about parts of the film before (the first half, the opening minutes, etc.), then perhaps the use of entire—set in contrast to the parts of the film that have been discussed up until this point—is legitimate. But in most uses, it’s unnecessary. “The director uses the color red in this way through the film” is probably what is meant.

Other examples:

“I spent the entire day doing” could easily be “I spent the day doing….”

“I built the entire thing myself” could be “I built it myself.”

Entire should probably be dropped unless you are contrasting it with something that is partial.


Truly should be relegated to King James Bible quotations from Jesus, where it really means something. In today’s speech, we use it to try to make the impression that we really, really, really mean something. In that context, it can sound a bit intense, or spiritual, or dreamy. It’s become a truly strange word. Try dropping it and see what happens. You’ll likely discover something stronger and more descriptive if you try.

Now the phrase….

Every single

This is one of those phrases granted to us by Madison Avenue. We might use it to emphasize that something good or bad happened EVERY DAY!!! But every day is a stronger and less repetitive way of saying the same thing. It’s less dramatic, and that might be a negative for some people. But just experiment with dropping it for a while and see what happens!

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